Create a service that facilitates mobility in the housing market and makes it easier for the elderly to rent out a room in their home. We see that the spin-off effects can contribute to more socially prosperous housing and make it easier for younger people to enter the housing market.
Digital Design
David Neråfors
Madeleine Möller Ståhl

Web development
Patrik Staaf
Anton Marinov
Design sprint
User testing
It's a big step for anyone to let someone into their home. On sites where you can post housing ads, you often have to give out your information for anyone to see and you may not in return get enough information about the applicants for you to feel safe. The elderly are a vulnerable group in society that can be exploited if a service does not offer enough security and clarity for them. They can have troubles with navigation on sites with low accessibility while sites with higher accessibility may lack design. In the aspect of renting out a room to a stranger the elderly can feel unsafe because of those issues.
We created a service where the landlords are in charge. In most rental services, it’s common for tenants to write directly to the landlord which can lead to a lot of messages and can discourage landlords from renting out. We have chosen to turn this around.
The landlord can calmly select the tenants who best fit their preferences and Kollektiva facilitate the matching process. We’ve used colors that have good contrast and mixed a minimalistic airy style with playful illustrations and rounded buttons.
We researched on various sites that manage the rental of accommodation but also dating apps that work with matchmaking. Tinder and Airbnb were a great source of inspiration where we combined Tinder's way of showing interests and airbnb's way of showing accommodation inventory. The logo - represents a divided home made from the two K:s in Kollektiva which also can represent the landlord and the tenant. We have used a design system called FRAM where we have selected the parts that we think fit our concept best.
We used Mulish which is a font that is simple and clear so as not to complicate things for the users.